What's new?

All this, and embroidery too!

Oh, hello—Fancy seeing you here! It’s been awhile. Turns out, I’d rather be printing than blogging, and I guess it shows. And goodness, we have had a lot to print! I am so thankful for the clients who gave this little screen-printing start-up a try, and for our having had the opportunity to grow alongside them, now offering more options, more quality product, and faster turn-arounds. Sqege isn’t exactly new to the game any longer. And while we’ll never be the biggest shop around, our passion has led to experience and experience to confidence—confidence that we have what it takes to...

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This one is for the books! Pandemics and protests. School closures and face-masks. Suffice to say, this year has certainly kept us on our toes! And while our plans have changed… and adapted, and altered, and rebooted, and… well, you get the idea, we’re so thankful for the things that have held constant through it all: the love and support of those closest, everyday-heroes (for whom capes are optional but masks are mandatory), and the growing sense that some things are larger and more important than what so often and too often separate us. Black lives certainly matter. Equity is...

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Hold My Fear

Hold My Fear

As certain as Santa’s clandestine rounds on the 25th, the dawn of January 1 brings with it a requisite nostalgia for another year past, and eager anticipation for the year ahead. And what a year it has been! 2019 saw SQEGE transform from concept to company. From time to time I wondered if we had bitten-off a bit more than we could chew, but each job took us into new territory, new opportunities, new experiences. This is how things begin. We were able to create custom designs, help-out some good people, and give-back to some organizations that we believe in....

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The "S" Word

The "S" Word

In our family we have a simple rule: during the months of June and July, no one is allowed to say the "S" word. The "S" word of course, is "School." Since both my wife and I are teachers, summer is the time to decompress and recharge. My son understands this (Ha! #youtubeforlife)... my daughter, not so much. It's not her fault she LOVES school, but come on, do we HAVE to day-dream out-loud about school supplies while we're just trying to hang-out at the pool??  Sigh. There ARE worse problems I suppose. ;) As September approaches, we are officially back in...

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Summer Break!

Summer Break!

Road trips get mixed reviews. Possibly you yourself have memories of getting crammed into the backseat of some sweaty, glass-and-vinyl enclosure to endure untold-hours through the infinite expanse of midwestern America. Extra-points if said vehicle was also a diesel. But even if this wasn't your personal history, it's probably not a bad idea to question if, in this age of technological wonder it's a good-idea to pile into the ol' fossil-fuel burner, lock the doors, crank the AC, and hit the open, if somewhat aging, road. Does this thing have WIFI? What if I lose my streaks? Stop touching me! Pee-emergency! What in the world are we...

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